If you’re wondering what a movie from 2014 titled WolfCop is about, it’s about a cop who also happens to be a werewolf. Sometimes you can learn a lot about the movie from the title alone. You just know that WolfCop is an entertaining horror comedy with a lot to offer. Especially, if you’re a fan of this genre. It’s not just going to put you in a good mood but also leaves you in it. And the first thing you’re going to do after the credits roll is to look for more movies like this. Well, I’m here to tell you there’s a pretty solid sequel from 2017 Another WolfCop worth watching. With all of that out of the way, it’s time to really dig into this charming little movie.
We find our hero, an alcoholic cop in a small town, Lou hungover in his bed next to a half-naked lady. I remember how this opening scene just blew me away the first time I saw it. I was so hungry for a good horror comedy and my expectations were quite low. However, WolfCop soon turned out to be one hell of a movie. It not only punches way above its weight but it’s also much smarter than it looks. What seems like a straightforward story will soon start to get increasingly complex and interesting. You can definitely feel that this was a passion project, well-thought-out and produced.
The practical effects are reminiscent of the eighties classics and what little CGI there is looks believable. It is, however, the script and general liveliness of the atmosphere that’s going to get you. Not to mention fast pacing and the running time of just over seventy minutes. That’s just a bit longer than one episode of your favorite television show. The small-town setting adds even more charm to this already charming movie. And Satan forbid if you procured some marijuana and alcoholic beverages to make this experience even better.
Lou Garou is late for work, again. He works as a cop in the small town of Woodhaven although he’s more drinking in Jessica’s bar than working. This is a place where almost nothing happens although a big Drink n Shoot festival is coming up. One night, however, Lou goes to investigate a strange disturbance in the nearby woods. He wakes up tomorrow morning with no recollection of what has happened the previous night. Soon, Lou will start to remember the horrific events of that evening. Events that are going to change his life forever.

We cannot talk about WolfCop without mentioning the man himself, Leo Fafard. He gave a phenomenal and pitch-perfect performance and the rest of the cast wasn’t far behind. I have to admit that Sarah Lind stole my heart here. Unlike other Werewolf Movies, the beast here is more human in appearance. Perhaps the best comparison would be the cheesy but also charming eighties hit Teen Wolf starring Michael J. Fox. The transformation sequence was solid with a couple of gnarly surprises. I mean, that bathroom scene caught me totally off guard.
After the release of Death Proof and Planet Terror, a new wave of casual, grindhouse retro horror/comedies hit the theaters. Starting with Machete, Hobo With a Shotgun, and Piranha 3D we got the opportunity to enjoy these juicy and highly entertaining movies. You can say that WolfCop is a part of that wave, although I think it’s much more similar to the Australian zombie hilarity Wyrmwood. So, if you’re looking for more movies like WolfCop, those are the recommendations. And Feast, we should forget about one of my favorite trilogies.

Director: Lowell Dean
Writer: Lowell Dean
Cast: Leo Fafard, Amy Matysio, Sarah Lind, Corinne Conley, Jesse Moss, Aidan Devine, Jonathan Cherry
Fun Facts: The exterior shots of the Woodhaven police station are actually an abandoned fast-food restaurant.
IMDb Link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2781516/