I know that there are a lot of these movies and that most of them are bad but I assure you that this one is worth watching. We Are Zombies is, as its title suggests, an indie zombie horror comedy with a heart. It’s based on a graphic novel The Zombies That Ate The World. Which is a much better title, in my honest opinion. This is also, perhaps, why it looks so good. I mean, that’s the first thing you’re going to notice about this movie. The cinematography is phenomenal and the production values are surprisingly good. So, the movie looks and feels like a big AAA blockbuster in the vein of Zombieland. The real question is just how good the story is.
Moreover, are we going to get a bunch of obnoxious characters bumbling around while trying to do some fan service badly? The short answer is no, both the story and the characters are well-developed and actually refreshing. I say this because there are a lot of these horror comedies that feel like they cater to an extremely small number of people. At least this is what the creators were trying to do as most of these movies are just boring and not funny at all. We Are Zombies manages to be both funny and bloody. To be completely honest, some of the jokes are pretty bad, especially towards the end of the movie.

However, by that time you’re already invested and you’re willing to glance over them. At least that’s how I felt. Additionally, since we’re talking about zombies here, every possible angle has already been done. There are so many not just movies but also television shows that you rarely stumble upon something as refreshing as this. And something as sleek-looking as well. I just can’t get over how good the make-up was here. Zombies look absolutely mind-blowing and the special effects are just as good. When it comes to gore and graphic violence, there won’t be a lot of it. I guess they had to make some sacrifices to fit in that tight budget.
Well, here I am yapping and yapping and I haven’t even told you what this movie is about. Welcome to the world of tomorrow! Regular humans and zombies live peacefully together although the undead are pretty much second-class citizens. They’re not aggressive nor do they crave the human flesh but they’re also a burden on the economy. In this world, two losers and their hot hacker friend will stumble upon a huge conspiracy. As you can notice, the story is pretty relevant in exploring the rising tensions in the world today. And yet We Are Zombies isn’t preachy or trying to send some big message.

Alexandre Nachi, Megan Peta Hill, and especially Derek Johns were good in the lead roles. However, I think that gorgeous Rosemarie Sabor stole the show as Jane. Or should I say Zelvirella? She really is one hot ZILF. We Are Zombies establishes a pretty interesting post-apocalyptic world that seems believable. It also opens up possibilities for sequels. Especially when you consider the fact it’s based on a graphic novel. If they tightened up the script, this could be a new zombie franchise. The relationship between Karl and Freddy seems a bit off and forced. This is strange because everything else works pretty well including all the romantic subplots.
Even the big evil corporate angle is excellent. Still, we are nowhere near Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls cringe levels. Now that’s a movie I simply could not get into. It belongs to the above-mentioned wave of horror comedies trying to cater to a specific group of people. With that being said, you might want to check out Turbo Kid and Summer of 84, two movies coming to us from the same crew who brought us We Are Zombies. Finally, zombie horror comedy Freaks of Nature is also a good choice as it features a similar world. With one small addition, as vampires are also present along with humans and zombies.

Directors: François Simard, Anouk Whissell, Yoann-Karl Whissell
Writers: Jerry Frissen, François Simard, Anouk Whissell
Cast: Alexandre Nachi, Derek Johns, Megan Peta Hill, Rosemarie Sabor, Benz Antoine, Vincent Leclerc
Fun Facts: We Are Zombies is a Canadian movie and it was shot in and around Montreal.
IMDb Link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5478456/