If you’re looking for something different and refreshing, you’ve just found it. Reality is a gripping thriller unfolding in real time and based on very real events. We will be following one afternoon in the life of Reality Winner (that’s her real name), an NSA translator who just met two friendly guys in front of her house. Mere moments later, both of them show her their FBI badges, and things start to get increasingly complex. As always, I don’t want to reveal too much as this is one of those movies you should just jump in. That’s what I did last night and I haven’t regretted it one bit.
Reality is an excellent movie that’s going to capture your attention from the first second. It’s authentic and very thought-provoking while remaining grounded in reality, no pun intended. Moreover, it doesn’t feature an ordinary script as all the dialogue in the movie is lifted directly from the secret recordings the FBI agents made during the interrogation. I love how they sometimes insert the real audio clips showing just how bizarre this “conversation” was. If you know anything about interrogation tactics you’ll be able to pick up what’s going on immediately. Especially if you’re a true crime fan or you’ve seen one of the JCS YouTube videos.
What makes this interrogation different, from basically any other, is the execution of this technique. And here we can see some truly bizarre and almost robotic behavior. Something that totally surprised me because we’re talking about two experienced FBI agents. And this interview was a fucking layup. Since every word you’re hearing was really said in this incredibly intense situation, the atmosphere reflects that. It is all-consuming and those breaks when we got the chance to see the pictures of real Reality and her Instagram feed were quite welcome. Now, depending on your taste, you might find all of this a bit tiresome after a while.
Just keep in mind the fact that Reality is a really short movie featuring a running time of just 75 minutes. And it has nothing to do with Quentin Dupieux’s 2014 movie of the same name. The story focuses squarely on Reality Winner and this makes it incredibly immersive. You will feel like you’re being interrogated by the FBI on this hot summer day. We will also get the chance to learn more about her and her career. In today’s world of fast money, crypto bros, only fans, and other shit, it’s so strange to hear about someone who’s so determined to serve her country. Someone who’s willing to dedicate her life and a lot of effort to learn all of this. Finally, on top of all of this, we have the broader concepts.

Concepts relating to morality, law, public interest, and many other things. At this point, I would like to remind you that Julian Assange is still in prison. On the other hand, I can totally see the other side of this argument. Also at this point, I must stop myself before going on another rant. I would much rather talk about something else. I want to talk about Sydney Sweeney’s amazing performance that elevated this movie to another realm. If you have any doubts she’s an excellent and highly talented actress, this movie will dispel them instantly. I also have to mention the two actors playing the roles of FBI agents, Josh Hamilton and Marchánt Davis.
They were just as good as Sweeney and you could argue that their job was a bit more difficult. Mostly because the real agents were quite weird, to be honest. Reality is a movie that requires a bit of patience. And in return, it offers a fascinating and quite voyeuristic dissection of an intense situation you don’t want to be in. If you want to learn more about this case, you can start here but only after you’ve seen the movie. Finally, I want you to pay attention to what that a bit chubby and charming black guy has to say at the end. I agree with him 100%.

Director: Tina Satter
Writers: Tina Satter, James Paul Dallas
Cast: Sydney Sweeney, Josh Hamilton, Marchánt Davis, Benny Elledge, John Way, Kristoffe Brodeur
Fun Facts: Reality was shot in chronological order in just 16 days.
IMDb Link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt24068064/