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The King Tide 2023 Movie Scene Alix West Lefler as Isla with bees on her hand on the island

The King Tide [2023]

The story here feels so familiar that if it wasn’t for this quite unique setting, I could swear I’ve already watched this movie. The King Tide is an atmospheric and slow-burning mystery about a remote fishing community finding a child with special powers one night on the shores of their little island. A once simple life they led now blossoms into something quite different. However, as we all know, trouble is just around the corner. There you go, that should be enough for any mystery fan to check out this interesting little film. Just think M. Night Shyamalan’s The Village in terms of the general vibe.

I know that this is probably something you’ve already seen before but there are several elements that make this experience a bit different. The location is surely one of them. The King Tide was filmed in the small town of Keels, located on the northern tip of Newfoundland, Canada. And when I say small, I really mean it, as there are only thirty residents living there. Most of them appear as extras. Director Christian Sparkes took full advantage of the ominous beauty of this region. You can practically drop your camera anywhere on this damned island and get incredibly atmospheric shots.

The cinematography was excellent putting you in this sort of a trance and taking you to this desolate and windy place. I could never live in a place like this. Give me my concrete jungle any day of the week. So you already know what kind of mood you’ll be dealing with here. While The King Tide never openly claims that all the islanders are members of a cult, everything we see and hear screams that. And you know me, I can’t resist a good cult story. Especially if it’s well-thought-out like it is here. Well-thought-out but to a point, let’s not get carried away here. There’s a certain level of ambiguity and mystery surrounding the story that obscures the truth.

The viewer finds himself in this fog of confusion, trying to figure out what’s going on and, more importantly, what’s going to happen. The main theme of The King Tide is our society and how the seemingly innate desires of an ordinary individual can spell doom for the entire community. Moreover, I kept asking myself questions about how would I handle such a thing and what would I do in that type of situation. That’s the beauty of these movies, the escapism from your daily worries. And, I guess, preoccupation with different kinds of worries. Questions of morality, greed, and power are some of the most important ones we humans have ever asked.

And it’s always a good thing to take another run at them. Add to this the religious/cult angle and you got yourself quite a doozy. I mean, instead of Jesus, we have Isla, many thanks to Isla! Our mostly unknown cast will help with that. I only wish character development was better. Clayne Crawford plays the lead role and he does it well. You might remember him from not only one of my 2010 favorites, The Perfect Host, but also the television show Lethal Weapon. Frances Fisher was quite creepy as the fading matriarch Faye while Alix West Lefler, who plays Isla, showed why she might be the next big thing. Many thanks to Isla!

If you’re looking for a movie featuring a similar setting and atmosphere, do check out The Damned. It’s not exactly cultish as The King Tide but it’s got that desolate vibe going on. Finally, I simply have to mention The Grand Seduction, a charming comedy also shot in Newfoundland. It offers a different perspective on this setting and the lifestyle so be sure to check it out.

Director: Christian Sparkes

Writers: KC Coughlin, Ryan Grassby, Albert Shin

Cast: Clayne Crawford, Lara Jean Chorostecki, Frances Fisher, Alix West Lefler, Michael Greyeyes

Fun Facts: The budget for the movie was surprisingly large, considering the lack of special effects and big names, around $9 million.


IMDb Link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6632018/

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