Here’s another atheist movie, and a good one too. Salvation Boulevard is based on a novel written by Larry Beinhart and directed by George Ratliff who also made Hell House, an interesting documentary about our beloved christians. With a very good cast and Pierce Brosnan finally in something that is both funny and good (who said: Bag of Bones, I Don’t Know How She Does It, Percy Jackson ) movie took off almost immediately, proving to be a thrill ride from the beginning till the end (at least for someone who is interested in these matters). And this is not just a movie about religion but about life in general and choices that we make, and no other man than Greg Kinnear could pose as this confused guy just trying to get by. Cleverly using black humor and religion Ratcliff created a comedy that more resembles that British style that I like so much…
Carl Vanderveer is a born-again christian, a member of a mega-church where god is pastor Dan Day. As former member of Deadheads (not to be mistaken with a zombies), a dedicated group who followed rock band Grateful Dead he lived a life of debauchery,but he changed his life completely with the help from his pretty wife Gwen and her father. But after a debate between pastor Dan and Dr. Paul Blaylock he will find himself in life-threatening danger that will shake the foundations of his newfound faith…
Director: George Ratliff
Cast: Pierce Brosnan, Greg Kinnear, Jennifer Connelly, Marisa Tomei, Ciarán Hinds, Ed Harris
Fun Facts: Budget $8 million
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