Stylish and entertaining, Colombiana is a fun action movie with one hot and deadly female hero. It’s another example of Girl Power movies that seem to be very popular these days. So, it comes as no surprise that the writer is Luc Besson, a guy behind such movies as Nikita, Bandidas, and Joan of Arc. He wrote this script as a sequel to one of his best movies, Leon. However, due to some rights issues, he had to alter it and this is how we ended up with the movie we’re talking about today.
Although, there’s not much to talk about really. You already know what kind of movie this is. A dumb but visually appealing action extravaganza starring Zoe Saldana. Now, I have nothing against Zoe but I have to say that she might be too skinny for this type of role. Or they simply fucked up the fight choreographies. And I do love seeing girls beating up guys it’s just that I would rather not suspend my belief while doing so. Just to be fair, I think that Salt starring Angelina Jolie has exactly the same issues.
Just let them shoot their way out and that’s it. It looks much better and more realistic. Apart from that, I really enjoyed Colombiana. The production values are excellent as with all EuropaCorp movies. The same goes for the action sequences and there will be a lot of them. Car, bike, and on-foot chases look exciting and cool while the shootouts are juicy. I just wish there were more of them. This is a PG-13 movie so don’t expect anything heavy.
Cataleya Restrepo was a young girl when her parents were murdered by a ruthless drug lord. She somehow manages to escape to the USA with her uncle Emilio (Cliff Curtis AKA Smiley from Training Day). He helps her learn hand-to-hand combat and how to be a badass hitwoman. Cataleya never forgot what Don Luis did to her and her parents, and now older and wiser, she seeks revenge.
Apart from our main star Zoe Saldana, we also have charismatic Jordi Molla and likable Lennie James. I recommend you check out Jordi in Riddick, he has a real talent when it comes to playing the bad guy. The story is quite predictable culminating in one hell of final showdown. I also like that our homegirl is pretty ruthless. She will show no mercy for her enemies, just triple taps. After all, Colombiana is one of those revenge movies.

Director: Olivier Megaton
Writers: Luc Besson, Robert Mark Kamen
Cast: Zoe Saldana, Jordi Mollà, Lennie James, Michael Vartan, Cliff Curtis, Graham McTavish
Fun Facts: The prequel Colombiana 2 is currently in the works.
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