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Subversive Rabbit was launched in the spring of 2008 as a movie recommendation site or engine, take your pick. It is run by Rabbit, a movie freak who just could not stop recommending movies to other people so he decided to it on a larger scale. In case you are wondering is it strange to write about in this style, yes, yes, it is. Currently site features reviews of movies and television series, news from the movie industry and rants about movies. There are a lot of plans for the future, but we think it would be best not to announce anything but just over-deliver.

Now more about me: I was born in the early eighties and movies influenced my life immensely. You have to remember that during my childhood we didn’t have Internet as a source of information and interaction, so everything had to be done manually. Out of all the mediums that were out there, movies were the most impactful and I used them along with computers to escape into this new world filled with interesting stories and characters. Slowly, I started seeing layers upon layers in these movies, making them even more intriguing. Characters became larger than life and I identified with them and their values. For example, when I first Dazed & Confused, I couldn’t sleep all night, thinking about the it. I wanted to be a part of the gang and have all these things happen to me.

I felt like I wasn’t alone anymore because I had all these people I felt like I knew. I think that the first movie that really changed my perspective was They Live. It was not only well written, shot and acted, but it also featured a strong message that I felt like people were missing. This is where that desire to connect started forming. And the rest is history…