James Franco (Spider-Man/Milk) has been cast as the lead in 20th Century Fox’s Planet of the Apes prequel Rise of the Apes. The new milking movie is supposed to be called The Rise Of The Apes (as many are, The Rise of The Machines and many others). The Apes will be created using CGI, and that is a new development in the Monkey series. Again this is proof that studious are running out of the ideas, and that they are just recycling great but older flicks. Some sense can be found in today`s CGI and post-processing procedures, but still, I am guessing that this is not the main reason to revive this franchise. Rise of the Apes will hit theaters on June 24th 2011 and around that time will be able to checkout some of the new sequels like Cars 2 and Transformers 3.