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Megan Fox kicked out of Transformers 3?

After Megan called her director Hitler, apparently Micheal Bay decided to kick her loose from Transformers 3. Is this a wise move, only time will tell. Personally I think that this is something that Transformers series needed, you already have mind-blowing CGI, giant robots kicking the crap out of each other and great action scenes, a hot chick is just too much. They tried it in the second part and turned out in such a mess, with those two annoying robots, and Megan masturbating in every other shot, really lame… This way they could tone down the sexuality and focus on the story and epic scenes. Of course they announced new love for Shia, and for now we do not know anything else. And I really hate Megan Fox. I would fuck her, but I hate her. Just my two cents…

On a related subject of those annoying racist robots Mudflap and Skids, or I liked to call them Mudcrap and Scunts, are also kicked out of the third installment of Transformers series. Listening to public opinion director decided to cut out these morons. I am afraid that he is going to replace them with Cletustron and Earlbot…