If you’re looking for some mindless action, I give you Black Dog starring Patrick Swayze. It’s full of great chase scenes, fights, and shootouts. The very sight of huge trucks barreling down the highway is exciting and a little bit unnerving. It all feels very wrong like you’re witnessing those few serene moments before a horrific crash. There’s one sequence in the middle of the movie that scared the shit out of me. Luckily, these are all trained professionals and those scenes all turned out great.
During the seventies and eighties, we got a lot of great movies about trucks like Duel, Roadgames, Convoy, and Big Trouble in Little China. I should also mention Joy Ride and Breakdown. However, as time went on, they slowly disappeared from the scene. Black Dog is here to right that wrong. This is a pure-blooded B action movie that you might’ve caught on late-night cable programming. The story is simplistic and straightforward, just as it should be. The dialogue attempts to be witty but comes off as unintentionally hilarious. Especially since you could feel where they were going with it.
The cast was great led by Mr. Swayze who really looked like a weathered trucker looking for that last score. Charles S. Dutton whom you might remember as the iconic Dillon from Alien 3, gave another convincing and recognizable performance. We also have 50 Cent’s brother from another mother and country music legend Randy Travis. He plays the guy who can’t sing for shit, showing you the type of humor you’re going to run into here. This brings us to the awesome soundtrack, perfectly suited for this type of movie.
Jack Crews has been out of jail for a couple of months now. He’s working as a mechanic after his driving license has been revoked, trying to provide for his family. He declines a lucrative but shady as fuck offer from his boss to drive a truck from Atlanta to New Jersey. However, after he finds out that they’re going to lose the house if he doesn’t come up with some money fast, he goes for it.
First of all, did you know that the legend of the Black Dog is real? Yes, for centuries now, people have been reporting sightings of a huge black dog with glowing eyes. Long-haul truckers believe when you start seeing it, it’s time to pull over immediately. Probably because you’re just so tired that your eyes are closing and forming a black spot. So, there’s a bit of lore for ya. It’s just one of many interesting little tidbits that this movie offers. If you’re looking for more similar movies check out our Subversive Rabbit selection of Movies About Driving.

I’ve always found trucking an interesting occupation and I’m sure many of you out there have too. It’s like every ride is an adventure that smells of freedom. And I can only imagine the sense of power when you’re behind the wheel of one of these behemoths. The truck Patrick Swayze drives here is a Peterbilt 379, looking hefty and menacing as fuck. I mean just look at this fucking monstrosity and all the additional gear. It’s sure as shit better than that sleek-looking red International 9400 they first offered him to ride.
Finally, I just have to warn you not to take this movie too seriously. Don’t go in it expecting a masterpiece and you will be greatly rewarded. It’s perfect for those nights when you need to see something different and yet slightly familiar. And I bet you’re not going to pause it and leave it for another night but finish it that very night. Black Dog is that type of movie and even ends with showdown at the docs. If I could sound that trucker horn now, I would but you already know what it sounds like so just go for it.

Director: Kevin Hooks
Writers: William Mickelberry, Dan Vining
Cast: Patrick Swayze, Randy Travis, Meat Loaf, Gabriel Casseus, Brian Vincent, Graham Beckel, Brenda Strong
Fun Facts: Patrick Swayze went through a real truck driving school to earn his Class A CDL
IMDb Link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120610/