Well, it is official, the newest installment of Mission Impossible franchise is the best action flick of the 2011. Ethan Hunt is now more than ever an equivalent of James Bond, and I believe that this is going to create a similar franchise of movies that will last decades into the future. Produced by J.J. Abrams (Cloverfield, Lost, Star Trek) and directed by Brad Bird this action packed thrill ride shows that a proper sequel of a franchise can be done. Cool action scenes, amazing gadgets, cars and familiar characters create something very rare, a PG-13 movie that feels like a full-blooded R bloodbath. The action is only paused by moments of suspense and it gets better and better as the movie progresses. We will be visiting several exotic locations and buildings (granted, they seem to be popular in any action flick) with the inevitable jump-and-hang-in-air stunt that has become the trademark of the franchise. With ever-changing directors each Mission Impossible movie is different and somehow better. So get ready for some excitement with this one.
Kurt Hendricks is a very bad man, and he has a very sinister plan to start a nuclear war. As always this will involve some Russian nukes and launch codes, and it seems that the nuclear disaster is inevitable. But, there are a few men who might be able to stop this plot from happening. The only problem is that their leader Ethan Hunt is trapped in Russian prison, but after a successful escape the team is on their way to Kremlin to stop Kurt from getting the codes. But from there everything goes to hell, as their plan backfires and they are accused of the break in. With nuclear codes stolen and in the hands of the super-villain they are disavowed from the service. This means that they have to invoke Ghost Protocol (I just love the sound and the feel of these words…)…
Director: Brad Bird
Cast: Tom Cruise, Paula Patton, Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg, Michael Nyqvist, Josh Holloway
Fun Facts: Tom Cruise performed the sequence where Ethan Hunt scales the outside of the Burj Khalifa tower himself without the use of a stunt double. The Burj Khalifa tower is the tallest building in the world.
IMDb Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1229238/