Three years after Borat tore down the box offices, Sacha Baron Cohen strikes again! This time as Bruno, an ultra-gay TV wanna-be superstar. Directed by Larry Charles (Borat, Religulous), the movie follows the same formula that they established in Borat. So you already know that there will be crazy and outrageous situations involving real people who have no idea that this is all a movie. Some of the jokes may be a bit offensive, but this is comedy, what did you expect? It’s hilarious that people were more accepting of the utterly unhinged and primitive reporter from Kazakhstan than a gay guy from Germany.
I guess Cohen hit a lot of nerves with Bruno since this is a movie not just about the world of celebrities and fashion but also about gay people. While the mainstream audiences were having trouble with their own sexuality, some gay people felt targeted. Like Cohen was making fun of them. I assure you that’s not the case as he makes fun of everyone and becomes this larger-than-life persona. His commitment to the role is truly admirable along with his willingness to take things to the next level.
I personally hugely enjoyed Bruno and I think it’s a movie worth watching. I loved the in-your-face humor and weird situation you can hardly watch. Bruno is a definition of a guilty pleasure and while it’s not as good as Borat, it’s still one hell of a movie. Entertaining and outrageous it’s hard-hitting that you might even use it as a test. You can learn a lot about a person if you watch a movie with them. So, if you want to find out more about the people in your environment, Bruno is the perfect test.
Brüno Gehard, a gay Austrian fashion reporter, is having a hard time. He just got fired from his show and his lover, Dieasel, left him. He decides to travel to the United States and become a celebrity. His assistant’s assistant, Lutz, will keep him company. This is where the mayhem begins.
Bruno is not a perfect movie and one might argue that Sacha was going for sheer impact strength here, instead of a much more comprehensive approach to scenes in Borat. However, immediately a question arises: can such a thing be done? I recommend that instead of getting too heavy on the analysis, you just dive into those beautiful and shaved cheeks of our new hero. Speaking of nudity, you will have the honor of seeing many scenes that you can hardly find in other mainstream movies.
Like Bruno spinning his shaved cock, zoomed. We need these movies to further demystify the whole gay thing for the general population. Celebrity status and the ways people are trying to reach it are two equally important elements here. That “I’m willing to do anything to be famous” attitude is perhaps the main driver for this movie. In the end, I must recommend this movie as one hell of a comedy and if you want to see Sacha in a “real movie” check out Ali G Indahouse.

Director: Larry Charles
Writers: Sacha Baron Cohen, Anthony Hines, Dan Mazer
Cast: Sacha Baron Cohen, Gustaf Hammarsten, Clifford Bañagale, Bono, Elton John
Fun Facts: The only person who was in on the joke and knew the script in the entire movie Bruno was Harrison Ford. All the rest of the interactions are genuine.
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