If you’re looking for an easygoing comedy with an exotic vibe, Captain Ron is a perfect choice. It showcases the nineties in the best light. The crazy combination of over-the-top eighties action, weird casting choices, and casual attitude about almost anything produced some of the best movies to chill with. The vibe is similar to Into The Blue, Fool’s Gold, or Sahara. However, all these movies are missing that zany factor that only exists in the eighties and nineties movies. You know the one where a guy forgets to pull a handbrake and a car rolls into the sea without looking cringy as fuck. The acting is solid all around, which is not surprising considering the cast. Led by charismatic Kurt Russell and Martin Short, everybody did a great job.
Captain Ron is a movie that will only increase your desire to leave city life and settle on a tropical island. I know the story is cliched and heard a thousand times, but it still somehow works. Mostly because it’s still fucking true. When you add to that an interesting script and amusing characters I’m certain that you’ll find this movie just too fucking charming. You have the usual fish-out-of-water scenario with the city family trying to adapt to the “wild”. Plus the problems that come with marriage and two kids. And to add to the confusion wild pirates, guerilla army and other various parties pop up from time to time. Finally, you have Ron Rico, one-eyed laid-back ex-navy captain. What more to want from a mainstream comedy?
Martin Harvey is one lucky motherfucker. He’s got a beautiful family, a great wife, and a relatively good job. But all this pales in comparison with his latest addition to the list: a Clark Gable yacht. The only problem is the fact that the yacht is in the Caribbean. Martin sees this as an opportunity to bond with his family and decides to take them all there. He plans to simply sail the yacht back home. However, that will prove to be much more difficult than he anticipated.
At least they didn’t inherit something in Italy like in Castle Freak. Captain Ron works as a comedy, family, action, thriller, and adventure movie, mostly because of the setting and two leads. Kurt and Martin are truly great actors and although Martin got stuck with a bit lamer character he still pulled it off. There’s this strange and uplifting atmosphere that sucked up the characters, story, and everything else, so you’re left with no choice but to relax and enjoy this beautiful movie. There are no new lessons here, some deep shit about the frailty of life or wrong choices, just pure fun. In case you were wondering what’s that factor X, it’s the director Thom Eberhardt (Night of the Comet, The Night Before and Without a Clue).

Director: Thom Eberhardt
Writer: John Dwyer, Thom Eberhardt
Cast: Kurt Russell, Martin Short, Mary Kay Place, Benjamin Salisbury, Dan Butler, Tom McGowan
Fun Facts: Both of the cars that Captain Ron drives are missing a headlight on the same side as his missing eye.
IMDb Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103924/