Now, here’s a little obscure and underrated flick. Drop Dead Sexy is a dark humor comedy starring Jason Lee and Crispin Glover (George McFly from Back To The Future) that never reaches its climax. It’s like the whole movie is just one big foreplay without the actual pleasure of sex. Sure we can enjoy foreplay and some hints of a blowjob, but to go without any of those two things is a crime with a girl (story) like that.
Again, it seems that macabre and black humor comedies always resort to dead people for a source of laughs, and as you probably guessed this is the case here. This isn’t Bernie, but a hot chick so there’s that love-is-in-the-air vibe to spice things up. Characters are relatively developed and very stereotypical, adding more to the mediocrity of the movie. Still, this should be enough to keep you entertained for an hour and a half. Especially if you like this type of humor and bizarre situations.

Frank and Eddy are two dumbasses without money or any respect for the law. Frank being the smart one, accepts a job from a local mafia boss Spider to smuggle $250.000 worth of cigarettes, but after a little accident on the road, the truck with them explodes. Two of them are now in quite a pickle, and again Frank thinks of a way to get some money: he decides that they go grave-robbing.
I’ve always found stories about your classic losers scheming with disastrous results adorable and let’s face it, relatable. We all know someone who either tried or talked about some crazy get-rich plan, ultimately expectedly failing. Drop Dead Sexy isn’t some low-budget production and it looks pretty good featuring sharp and saturated cinematography. Apart from our two leads, we also have the opportunity to see young Amber Heard playing a stripper named Candy. And what to say about Pruitt Taylor Vince, Xander Berkeley, and fucking Brad Dourif as the city mortician. I mean, they got the casting part right.
So if you’re in the mood for a silly but entertaining dark comedy check out Drop Dead Sexy. And if you want to continue in the same fashion here are some more recommendations: Very Bad Things, Fargo, Death at a Funeral, and In Bruges. And I just have to mention John Dahl’s Red Rock West, Tarantino’s True Romance and Scorched starring Woody Harrelson, while we’re at the subject of small cities and schemes.

Director: Michael Philip
Writers: Paul Doiron, John Benjamin Martin, Michael Philip
Cast: Jason Lee, Crispin Glover, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Joseph D. Reitman, Amber Heard, Xander Berkeley
Fun Facts: World Premiere was at the South By Southwest Film Festival in Austin, Texas on March, 12, 2005
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