As I already know, I tend to stay away from these popular releases. Mostly because I think most of you already checked them out. Especially if they’re starring one of the most popular actresses today wearing skimpy outfits. However, since I skipped this one thinking it was going to be just another classic biopic, I’m here to right that wrong. I, Tonya is not your usual biopic but a black comedy based on bizarre true events. It’s at the same time emotional, hilarious, and oddly compelling. It’s simply a great fucking movie is what I’m trying to say here. We will be following a rebellious but highly talented figure skater Tonya Harding who’s had a pretty unusual life.
Her life is a true outcast story and as a fellow outcast myself, I found it very fascinating. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it a thousand times more: you just can’t beat these stranger-than-fiction real-life stories. Nothing but life itself can create such a strange and yet logical combination of not just events but also characters. And each and every character in the movie I, Tonya is intriguing and authentic. What this movie accomplishes is nothing short of amazing. It manages to make these less-than-likable characters entertaining while still not taking away anything from their true nature.
So, we find little Tonya in Portland, Oregon, trying to enroll in a figure skating class. Her alcoholic and abusive mother sees the potential in her but can’t stop herself from being rude to everyone. As years go by, Tonya starts becoming better and better. And before you know it, she’s already competing for her place on the US Olympic team. However, her personal life is about to get in the way of her professional life. In the worst possible manner. Although I did follow the Olympics from time to time, I guess I was too young to remember this story. A story that was apparently a huge deal back in the nineties. And I can totally see why.
The movie, on the other hand, explores a lot of different issues, trying to paint a complete picture of her life. It wasn’t an easy life but Tonya is a fighter and she deserves a movie as good as this. Before moving on, I just have to say that all of those ice skating stunts looked fucking amazing. Of course, the star of the show is Margot Robbie although Allison Janney did win an Academy Award for her performance. Janney, who plays LaVona, Tonya’s mother was actually a perspective figure skater herself. However, after walking into a glass door and almost losing her leg as a consequence of that accident, she had to give up skating.

Sebastian Stan (Pam & Tommy) plays her asshole husband while Paul Walter Hauser (Richard Jewel) was absolutely hilarious as Tonya’s bodyguard Shawn. And you can bet your sweet ass that we’ll see what all of these characters look like in real life during the end credits. Director Craig Gillespie has a knack for making these entertaining sports comedies. After relatively mediocre but still charming 2014 Million Dollar Arm, I, Tonya is a freaking masterpiece. The pacing of the movie is excellent along with storytelling. This is a sort of mockumentary partly featuring interviews with all the major players and partly showing how the real events happened.
Something we’ve seen more recently in Pain Hustlers, another movie based on actual events. Moving on, most of the story takes place during the eighties and nineties. This means that you can count on that huge wave of nostalgia to hit you instantly. Did we really wear so much denim? And were our hairstyles really that bad? Finally, if you’re looking for movies like I, Tonya, I recommend you start with Blades of Glory, a hilarious comedy starring Will Ferrell. It actually references one of the events from this movie. And then you can check out Molly’s Game, another highly entertaining biopic.

Director: Craig Gillespie
Writer: Steven Rogers
Cast: Margot Robbie, Sebastian Stan, Allison Janney, Julianne Nicholson, Paul Walter Hauser, Bojana Novakovic
Fun Facts: Both Margot Robbie and Sebastian Stan met the real Tonya and Jeff before the filming began. They talked about their lives and how to best portray them in the movie.
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