If you’re reading the title of this movie and thinking to yourself: “WTF is this”, consider yourself very lucky. The Dinner Game is one of the funniest laugh-out-loud comedies I have ever seen. Just thinking about it puts a smile on my face. It’s original, refreshing and above all, hilarious. You might even describe it as the perfect comedy of errors, something that future filmmakers should aspire to. It even got a Hollywood remake back in 2010 titled Dinner for Schmucks starring Paul Rudd and Steve Carell. However, that movie has nothing on the original. Bland and only mildly amusing, I recommend you skip it. There’s something about European comedies that you rarely find in Hollywood cinema.
I mean, just hearing the French language and the way they pronounce things is funny. And I think they enjoy immensely articulating words with such flare. Not only does The Dinner Game feature slapstick humor but it also has a very funny and intelligent script. Despite what you might think about the main premise. We’ll talk about it a bit later in the review. The characters are also very charming and likable. Something that’s not surprising considering the fact that this movie is based on a play of the same name. Moreover, Jacques Villeret played François Pignon 600 fucking times! Now, if that doesn’t get you to check out this movie, I don’t know what will.
Every week Pierre and his friends organize a strange dinner party. Each of them has to bring a guest that’s going to be “entertaining” and by entertaining they mean an idiot. Then the whole group listens and revels in their stupidity. And Pierre seems to have found the perfect guy for this week’s party. However, that party is not going to go the way he planned.
Now I have to go over the basic premise of Le Dîner De Cons Aka The Dinner Game because in our “enlightened” society people tend to get overly emotional about all the wrong things. Yes, it is bad to use people who are not so smart for your entertainment and that is clear to anyone. Same as it’s horrible to kill and torture people, make human centipedes, and other shit. If you wanted to translate the word con from French to English, stupid is not the correct term. It’s someone who’s not so socially aware but could be wielding an intellect of a genius. So, don’t worry, it will all work out, this is just a movie and should be treated as one, not some elaborate social statement. Also, if you’re finding the concept of this movie troublesome I want to ask you just one question: who’s living life here?
Finally, am I crazy for wanting to hear all about the sizes and types of boomerangs? I can just picture myself stoned out of my mind, absorbing every little bit of information about them. Speaking of personal experiences, I threw my back a couple of times like this and it was strange to see someone go through exactly the same thing. Available in glorious picture quality, Le Diner De Cons AKA The Dinner Game is a movie you mustn’t miss. It’s part of the killing trio of French nineties comedies along with Les Anges Gardiens and Les Visiteurs. And if you want to see another Jacques Villeret movie, check out Un Crime au Paradis and La Soupe aux Choux.

Director: Francis Veber
Writer: Francis Veber
Cast: Thierry Lhermitte, Jacques Villeret, Francis Huster, Daniel Prévost, Catherine Frot
Fun Facts: Gérard Depardieu was considered for the role of Pierre Brochant.
IMDb Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119038/