I watched this movie last night and I can tell you right now that I don’t remember most of it. And that’s okay. Mostly because I had a great time last night, laughing my ass off almost constantly. And I laughed out loud, something I rarely do. Granted, maybe because I was a bit drunk and a bit high but I still think this is an excellent movie. Not Another Teen Movie is a hilarious parody of all those cheesy high-school movies that’s going to make you laugh uncontrollably. There are simply so many jokes and gags that some of them are bound to overwhelm you. If the first three or four don’t get you, the 12th is going to fucking kill you.
First of all, you don’t need to know anything about the movies Not Another Teen Movie is parodying. Of course, the whole affair will be much funnier if you’ve seen at least a couple of them. And I’m sure you have as these are some of the most popular teen comedies of the eighties and nineties. I’m talking about movies like American Pie, Cruel Intentions, American Beauty, and Road Trip. All in all, I think they make fun of at least 20 movies. Some of them, like Bring It, I did not see but I still got the jokes about them. Moreover, these scenes work just fine all on their own. You might actually argue that without context they’re even funnier.
For example, that scene when a young hot student is teaching a clueless grandma how to French kiss is hilarious in its own right. Not Another Teen Movie makes fun of not just specific movies but also much broader concepts and stereotypical characters that appear in these movies. You know the guys and girls I’m talking about. The jokes are razor-sharp, sometimes crude, and sometimes extremely intelligent. If you’re looking for a raunchy comedy that’s most definitely not woke, Not Another Teen Movie is a perfect choice. They insult and make fun of absolutely everyone, without any discrimination.
On top of that, there will be a surprising amount of nudity here. I mean, one of the characters, aptly named Areola, is completely nude throughout the entire movie. The pacing is absolutely bonkers as we zip through various hilarious scenes and exchanges. The movie opens with one hell of a scene featuring a young lady trying to enjoy her vibrator in the peace and quiet of her room. However, that goes south pretty fast. After the huge success of Scary Movie, it was time for another parody to break through. And it did, making more than $65 million on a $15 million budget. Unfortunately, what happened in the coming years was the slow death of the parody subgenre.

The movies we were getting were quite low-grade, still funny, but without any touches of brilliance we see here. This is why we don’t remember movies like Date Movie, Disaster Movie, or The Starving Games so well. Out of all of them, I would like to single out a Superhero Movie as a pretty solid addition to the genre. Speaking of touches of brilliance, I think you’re already familiar with the Subversive Rabbit’s comedy masterpiece test. The test is very simple and it consists of just one question: is there a shitting scene in this movie. And I’m happy to tell you that Not Another Teen Movie features one insanely hilarious shitting scene.
In fact, it’s so popular these days that you might’ve seen it already as a clip or a meme. The cast is mostly unknown featuring young Chris Evans in his first movie role. Right away you could see that he’s going to make it in Hollywood. Especially with a smile like that accompanied by a perfectly sculpted body. We also have Jaime Pressly who looks like Margot Robbie so much that at some point I thought that was her. I know that some of you won’t appreciate the toilet humor but I urge you to give this movie a chance. I’m certain you won’t be disappointed. And it’s going to make Saltburn feel different, for sure.

Director: Joel Gallen
Writers: Mike Bender, Adam Jay Epstein, Andrew Jacobson
Cast: Chyler Leigh, Chris Evans, Jaime Pressly, Eric Christian Olsen, Mia Kirshner, Deon Richmond
Fun Facts: Chyler Leigh who plays the lead role of Janey Briggs told the press that she was under the influence of cocaine for most of her scenes.
IMDb Link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0277371/