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Scorched 2003 Movie Scene Alicia Silverstone as Sheila and Woody Harrelson as Jason Woods Valley collecting money from the floor of the bank

Scorched [2003]

Well, well if it isn’t another offbeat quirky comedy we have here. Scorched is one of those movies that simply fell throw the cracks of the DVD boom of the aughts. And that’s a shame because it’s actually quite entertaining and funny. I mean, you can’t go wrong with so many zany characters and a great cast. For fuck’s sake, Scorched has both Woody Harrelson and John Cleese! Not to mention Alicia Silverstone and Rachael Leigh Cook who were also fantastic. And I’m sure you’re going to recognize most of the supporting cast. Granted, the main story does come off as a bit pretentious but the rest of the aspects of this movie make up for that.

This is one of those easygoing crime comedies featuring a bunch of inept characters trying to pull off a daring heist. And before you even say the words Bottle Rocket, I should tell you that this is a much more streamlined effort. The pacing is much faster and there is an intriguing main story with all the usual stuff like twists and gags. Just the thing you need to relax from these complex narratives and overbearing dramas. Get a couple of beers, a couple of tacos, and a couple of joints, and get Scorched! 

Welcome to the small town of Bumfuck Nowhere! This little desert oasis doesn’t offer much but it does have a bank, Desert Savings Bank to be more precise. A bank that’s about to you wouldn’t think someone would try to rob. However, maybe exactly because of this, it’s going to attract all kinds of attention from the wrong kind of people.

This is perhaps the first time I’m saying that a movie benefited from not using crude language, sex, or violence to engage the viewers. Scorched is quite politically correct despite its zany story and very colorful characters. This means anybody can watch it. Watch it and forget it the next day, but hey, it was fun while it lasted. As I get older and older I start appreciating these “forgettable movies” more and more. To be able to suppress your natural desire to make “the best movie of the year” or “a masterpiece” takes guts. However, to write a couple of interlocking stories that click so well together is a sign of true talent. And I can’t wait to see what The Wein Brothers have in store for us next.

Finally, if you’re looking for similar movies I recommend you first check out A Fish Called Wanda also starring John Cleese. And then you can follow it up with movies like Bandits, 3000 Miles to Graceland, and Tower Heist.

Director: Gavin Grazer

Writers: Joe Wein, Max Wein

Cast: Alicia Silverstone, Rachael Leigh Cook, Woody Harrelson, John Cleese, Gavin Grazer, David Krumholtz

Fun Facts: Budget was $7 Million.

IMDb Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0286947/


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