Sometimes you just need to relax and watch something without much thought. This is that kind of movie, filled with a lot of action and humor while firmly remaining R rated and without much pandering to the audiences. Granted, this mixture makes the movie a bit strange because we’re not used to seeing this combination, but I found the whole thing very refreshing. This is basically the same concept that eighties buddy cop movies used, only now we have female protagonists and this spy thing adding direction to the action.
One might argue that they tried to do too much with so many elements, but the breakneck pace of the movie will mask that to some extent. The zany action aspect can be compared to another great action/comedy MacGruber, starring Will Forte and both movies can be placed in that Guilty Pleasure category. There have been so many movies with this same combination of spy games, action and comedy that I’m gonna list a few at the end of this review, just in case you want to continue your night watching funny adventures of these “highly skilled” spies.

Life is not going great for our Audrey Stockman. She has just been dumped by her boyfriend and to make things worse, he did it via text message. And to make these worse things, even more, worse, it’s her birthday today. Luckily, her best friend Morgan Freeman (that’s her name) is there for her and they decide to burn the fucker’s possessions to show him what’s what. At this point, they don’t know that he’s working for the government on some very important issues, but when Audrey gets kidnapped by the CIA, the whole thing will start to get more and more complicated…
Starring phenomenal Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon, whom you all might know from her Saturday Night Live performances, The Spy Who Dumped Me could have been a miss if not for these two young ladies. They carried the movie with their funny antics and when the fun stopped action picked up. And not just any action, pretty brutal action with a lot of blood, gunshots, car chases and explosions. However, you will have to suspend your belief at times, because when you’re pushing the boundaries and going over-the-top with the action and story elements, some things will seem formulaic or just plain dumb, when it comes to logical thinking.
But that same logical thinking went out of the window after the first ten minutes, identifying this movie as something that should not be taken too seriously. The supporting cast also includes Gillian Anderson and Justin Theroux (he is related to Louis), and both of them were great here. This movie was shot in eight countries with very high production values so it’s also one of those eye-candy movies, prompting you to book a holiday in Europe. Finally, here’s that list of spy action comedies: The Man Who Knew Too Little, Spy Hard, Johnny English franchise, Red, Get Smart, This Means War, Kingsman franchise, Spy…
Director: Susanna Fogel
Writers: Susanna Fogel, David Iserson
Cast: Mila Kunis, Kate McKinnon, Justin Theroux, Gillian Anderson, Sam Heughan, Hasan Minhaj, Ivanna Sakhno
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