Nick Cassavetes directed another movie that deals with illness (first one was John Q), this time he created a true masterpiece. After her daughter Kate was diagnosed with cancer, her mother Sara will try everything in her power to keep her alive, even if that means giving birth to another daughter that will be used as a source if things to treat Kate and to make her a bit more healthier. Years past by and Anna is twelve years old, and she does not wanna serve as a human donor to her sister. Tough decisions and fucked up lives of everyone involved will mark this family.
I never taught that Cameron Diaz is capable of delivering such a performance as an overprotective mother, but I was wrong. Everything in this movie is done really professionally, and the only thing that annoyed me a bit was those long scenes with some acoustic music in the background. Otherwise, this is an excellent flick, it reminds you of how life is precious and puts in perspective your current problems. My Sister’s Keeper is a drama that I would classify as a chick flick in my earlier years, but that’s just bad reputation that commercialization brought into the movie industry. With our hectic and overloaded, capitalistic lifestyles it’s becoming increasingly difficult to sit down and watch a movie like this, but it needs to be done from time to time, just so you don’t lose perspective.
Director: Nick Cassavetes
Cast: Abigail Breslin, Sofia Vassilieva, Cameron Diaz, Jason Patric, Alec Baldwin
Fun Stuff: Elle Fanning and Dakota Fanning were originally set to play Anna and Kate Fitzgerald, but bowed out after Dakota reportedly refused to shave her head, as required for the part.
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