Coming to us from the guy who wrote The Hitcher and Near Dark, 100 Feet is a movie with a slightly misleading title. I expected (as you can notice I expect a lot in my reviews, and almost always I’m wrong) everything else, from a serial killer who chops off his victim’s feet to a foot fetish guy, but a restraining order never crossed my mind. Now that we have resolved that we can get back to the movie. This is basically a haunted house movie with a twist. I won’t tell you what the twist is because that would spoil all the fun.
100 Feet is also one of the few movies about someone who’s under house arrest and wearing an ankle tracking bracelet. Who knew that this trend would go on to become hugely popular. This also means that we will be focusing on just one lead character. And as a fan of Famke Janssen and her body, body of work that is I mean, I approve of this plot. However, just as you start thinking that this is going to be a drama following a woman coming to terms with the fact she killed someone, the movie shifts gears and turns into something entirely else.
We practically get the best of both worlds. There will be a lot of mystery and suspense, as you would expect from a story like this. Just don’t think this is a masterpiece because it most certainly isn’t. It’s a cool little flick, perfect for one viewing and nothing more. Especially if you like a single location, haunted house, or ghost movies. Now, I’m not saying this is a ghost movie, just that people who like good ghost stories might like this one.
Marnie Watson is about to enter her house for the first time since the murder. You see, she killed her husband in self-defense and the judge offered her the option of a house arrest. This means she cannot go out or anything like that. If she walks 100 feet away from the center of her house, police will arrest her. House full of memories. However, Marnie will soon find out that the house houses, not just the memories but something altogether different…
Simple and effective 100 Feet will keep you guessing what’s going to happen next. Famke did a terrific job and a lot of this movie depended on her good performance. As a domestic violence victim, she showed a brave woman willing to stand up and stop the abuse. And while murder is always wrong, sometimes it’s a situation of either she kills him or he kills her. Finally, I want to say that the ending felt a bit rushed but it did tie things off nicely.

Director: Eric Red
Writer: Eric Red
Cast: Famke Janssen, Bobby Cannavale, Ed Westwick, Michael Paré, Patricia Charbonneau
Fun Facts: Budget was $10,000,000
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