Two hot girls are in a remote part of Argentina on their holiday, so what could go wrong? Well, if you still can’t think of anything And Soon the Darkness will answer this question. It is a remake of a British movie from 1970 of the same name but in a different setting. I tend to agree with their choice of Argentina as this exotic and mysterious Latin American country offers beautiful landscapes, coasts, and just the right amount of danger.
And Soon the Darkness is not a great movie. It’s at best a mediocre thriller making the most of its attractive cast and exotic setting. And we shouldn’t forget a sense of mystery as we’re trying to find out what the fuck is going on. All of this makes it a perfect warm-up movie. A mysterious hot stranger, uncooperative police, and an unknown country are the key ingredients of a vacation from hell movie. And this movie checks all the boxes.
I think that this will in no way prevent those happy-go-lucky hipsters from exploring places where your chances of survival plummet. Especially if you’re not taking any precautions. It is all so predictable and comfortable that And Soon the Darkness doesn’t require much attention, so if you’re looking to relax, you might wanna check it out. Also, I want to say up front that there’s no nudity and just a couple of intense scenes. I will list some “real” horrors at the end of the review.
Stephanie is a shy pretty girl who decided to go to Argentina with her wild party-maniac of a friend Ellie. They are cycling through beautiful landscapes and resting at night in picturesque little villages. On their last night in the country they get drunk and this causes them to miss the bus to the airport. However, that’s only the beginning of their troubles.
We open with a nice electric shock torture scene that will bring back Lethal Weapon memories. And most definitely pique your interest. After that, the story settles only heating up in the final third. We spend our time wandering around and talking, trying to solve a mystery. And before you know it, the movie is over. With a title like this, I was expecting something a bit darker.
Finally, If you’re looking for something more heavier but with a similar setting, check out Turistas, The Ruins. Those who are willing to go even further in terms of gore and graphic violence have only one choice really. And that choice is The Green Inferno.

Director: Marcos Efron
Writers: Jennifer Derwingson, Marcos Efron, Brian Clemens
Cast: Amber Heard, Odette Annable, Karl Urban, Adriana Barraza, César Vianco, Gia Mantegna
Fun Facts: Amber Heard is fluent in Spanish unlike her character in this movie.
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