Grabbers, I mean the title says it all, a nasty, not so little, things that grab and kill you. You already know what to expect: a good mixture of comedy and horror, kinda like Shaun of The Dead. The story takes place in Ireland so you can count on that distinctive Irish humor. We will be following residents of a remote village as they try to ward off the alien invaders.
The special effects are really good for a movie of this budget. I also want to add that beautiful Irish scenery did a lot of the work too. And when we add to that a decent cast led by Richard Coyle (Coupling, Pusher) Grabbers becomes a movie you simply must check out. To maximize your viewing pleasure it is best to stock up on alcohol and all the other goodies.
Ciarán O’Shea works as a local police officer on an Erin Island, off the coast of Ireland, drinking and enjoying his quiet little life. The first sign of trouble is, of course, a woman. Lisa Nolan a rookie cop assigned to him for further training. The second sign was the falling of an unknown object in the sea near the island. And from there, things just turn to shit. A local fisherman soon catches a strange animal, and as it turns out, there are plenty of them in the sea.
When I first saw the poster and played the movie, I thought that it was going to be just another version of Tremors, but I was proven wrong. Grabbers is a good example of how an intelligent concept can be turned into an entertaining movie, without much philosophy and bullshit. The formula is pretty simple, and although this movie decided to go with the no-naked people concept, it is still awesome. I mean, come on, just the fact that the only way to ward off aliens is to… Well, check out the movie, and see for yourselves.
Finally, if you’re looking for more movies with a similar atmosphere and setting, check out The Guard and Waking Ned Devine. They’re not science fiction movies but comedies with some dramatic elements. If that’s not your cup of tea, you can take a look at Sea Fever, a Lovecraftian sea-faring indie production. It’s actually quite good.

Director: Jon Wright
Writer: Kevin Lehane
Cast: Richard Coyle, Ruth Bradley, Russell Tovey, David Pearse, Bronagh Gallagher, Louis Dempsey
Fun Facts: Before shooting director Jon Wright took actors Richard Coyle and Ruth Bradley out drinking and filmed them while drunk. Ruth Bradley discovered many quirks about herself while drunk that she used in her performance.
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