What’s the last good Austrian movie you’ve seen? Scratch that, have you ever seen any Austrian movies? I know I haven’t so I decided to check out this one. Dead in 3 Days AKA In 3 Tagen Bist Du Tot is a standard-issue slasher with a refreshing Euro twist. I mean, it’s much easier to swallow the whole familiar story of a masked killer hunting teens if it’s happening in a picturesque Austrian town. All around the town are these imposing mountains giving you a feeling of being boxed in. In case you’re wondering the town is Ebensee, right next to the Salzkammergut mountain range.
So, if you ever happen to be in Europe, it might be a good idea to check it out. Just try not to end up in Bruges. Before we go any further, I think I should tell you that Dead in 3 Days not only looks great but it also feels great. The cinematography is gorgeous along with the camera work and you can see this is a big production. The acting was just as good and I urge you to watch the movie in the original German language. That’s at least you can do for this talented young cast. Additionally, it’s going to add another layer to this movie. And considering that it’s not that original, it’s going to need it.
In 3 Tagen Bist Du Tot borrows a lot from other, more popular slasher movies. I Know What You Did Last Summer feels like the biggest inspirations and I will the others for you to discover. Despite the lack of originality, the movie remains interesting throughout. There will even be a couple of unexpected twists. So, we will be following five high school friends who all receive the same message on their mobile phones. It says, you guessed it, that they will be dead in three days. They first write it off as a joke and move on with their lives. However, when the first teen dies things become all too real.
I think you already know what follows, a classic game of cat and mouse between the killer and the teens. A bit of action, a bit of suspense, and a whole lot of mystery, and the movie is over. The kills are surprisingly graphic for a mainstream release. I guess they do things a bit differently in Europe. Speaking of which, did you know that they dub all movies in Austria? So, don’t be surprised when you go to the theater to watch the latest Hollywood movie and then everybody starts speaking German.
Finally, I just wish Dead in 3 Days took more risks and offered something a bit edgier. I know this is their first venture into horror but I was expecting at least something nastier. You should also know that there’s a sequel out, imaginatively titled Dead in 3 Days 2. I wonder why they didn’t just call it Dead in 6 Days. If you’re looking for more refreshing slashers from Europe, I highly recommend you check out Cold Prey.

Director: Andreas Prochaska
Writers: Thomas Baum, Andreas Prochaska
Cast: Sabrina Reiter, Julia Rosa Stöckl, Michael Steinocher, Laurence Rupp, Nadja Vogel
Fun Facts: Won “Silver Méliès for Best European Fantastic Film” at the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival.
IMDb Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0808315/