Every once in a while we get a great horror comedy anthology. Movies like this were quite popular in the eighties and even nineties. However, they appear to be slowly going away in the new century. Trick ‘r Treat is a Halloween-themed horror comedy that makes up for what it lacks in originality with loads of gruesome fun. We will be following four loosely connected stories taking place during one hell of an Allhallows Eve. So, if you’re looking for something to watch during the holidays, this movie is a perfect choice. You should also be aware that it’s quite graphic. Quite graphic and darkly comical to be more precise.
What’s amazing though is that there’s not one single on-screen death. You can see and feel that a lot of work has been put into this movie. And people seemed to recognize that. Unlike other horror comedies, Trick ‘r Treat got a lot of fans instantly. And I’m sure that number is only going to increase in the coming years. Featuring a short running time, breakneck pacing, and excellent cinematography, it’s just so easy to watch and enjoy. It never tries to be anything more than it actually is, a fun little horror comedy. I will also keep things short and sweet by skipping the entire summary section.
Let’s just say that things will get increasingly bloody and bizarre and leave it at that. And throughout the whole “ordeal” the atmosphere will remain gruesomely gleeful. When it comes to the cast, Anna Paquin as Laurie and Dylan Baker as Steven were the standouts. Brian Cox was also good as Mr. Kreeg, a sort of Halloween version of Ebenezer Scrooge. Another thing that’s quite interesting about this movie is the way it’s structured. These four stories represent four stages of your experience with Halloween. I think they were trying to remind you of all of those things you went through first as a kid and then as an adult.
All the warnings about dangerous strangers, exciting adventures with your friends without those pesky parents, and finally, having sex and drinking while wearing a costume as a young adult. And since the story is taking place in a small town, it’s got that nice and cozy vibe. Not to mention the mascot of the movie, Sam, a little boy with a burlap sack on his head. I’m guessing Sam is short of Samhain, a pagan holiday that has been referred to as a Gaelic Halloween. Samhain is actually a quite macabre celebration of the dead and the “inspiration” for modern-day Halloween.
In this sense, you might call Trick ‘r Treat a timeless Halloween movie that you’ll keep coming back to. It pays homage to almost all the horror creatures of the night. It smells of the golden of this subgenre, the eighties and nineties. A time when horror comedy anthologies Creepshow and Tales From the Darkside were very popular. Of course, we shouldn’t forget Tales from the Crypt, the phenomenon that kickstarted the whole thing.

Director: Michael Dougherty
Writer: Michael Dougherty
Cast: Dylan Baker, Rochelle Aytes, Quinn Lord, Lauren Lee Smith, Moneca Delain, Tahmoh Penikett
Fun Facts: The actors who played the disabled kids on the bus were actually kids with disabilities and they had a great time on the set. I only wish other movies were as inclusive as this one.
IMDb Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0862856/