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Sharknado [2013] Movie Review Recommendation

Sharknado [2013]

Poster says ’nuff said and I tend to agree with it. After all those shark-something movies, Sharknado is the flagship of the intentionally bad movies with ridiculous plots intended to be taken as a joke. It’s funny how a whole genre emerged from a series of fuck-up movies that culture recognized as something valuable. It took a while for studios to recognize that there’s money in this, so from now on it’s going to be difficult to find that special blend of bad directing, acting and special effects. Now they are intentionally making movies that are meant to be bad, but they’re not as funny as those movies that “accidentally” turn out that way… Sharknado is the first movie to fully embrace that “ridiculousness” concept and because of this it’s been a major success with hundreds of funny pictures, memes and other “buzz” stuff.

Sharknado PosterSo there’s like a tornado over the ocean and it like picks up all the sharks from the sea and bam Sharknado! This Sharknado now hits the coast creating chaos and mayhem in Los Angleles. Sharks are flying around eating people, but there’s a group of survivors ready to fight…

Starring Tara Reid and John Heard, Sharknado (I just love the title) is a movie that falls apart at almost every scene. Written by a guy named Thunder, it’s just a mess that cannot be taken seriously. In case you missed Bait [2012], this isn’t the first time that sharks have appeared in the city, eating people and whatnot. The difference between these movies is that Bait actually makes an effort to explain how that happened, and the explanation isn’t half bad. Sharknado is just a series of over-the-top scenes, bad CGI, acting and pretty much everything else that counts. There’s only one way to make this movie work, a recipe for a good time:

Ingredients: Your friends, alcohol, weed, snacks and of course Sharknado

Preparation method: Play the movie and then trash it for as long as you can

Suggested desert: Another great bad movie: Shark Attack 3: Megalodon

Director: Anthony C. Ferrante

Writer: Thunder Levin

Cast: Ian Ziering, Tara Reid, John Heard, Cassie Scerbo, Alex Arleo, Neil H. Berkow, Heather Jocelyn Blair

Fun Facts: Actor Cory Monteith’s final tweet was about this film days before he died from a drug overdose.(Say no to drugs, say hello to weed)

IMDb Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2724064/

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