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Hell 2011 Movie Scene Three survivors looking at the wrecked car by the side of the road

Hell [2011]

Hell, which is the German word for bright, is one of those movies that were really smart with their designated budget and invested into awesome camera equipment and great post-processing. So the end result is quite good, resembling some of the big blockbuster hits with a similar subject. After we explored the Spanish cinema, we are continuing our quest for good movies in Germany. This time the theme is post-apocalyptic, one of my favorite ones.

Although there’s not much wiggle room when you are shooting a post-apocalyptic movie, Hell offers us a very realistic scenario and concentrates on the fates of the survivors. The characters are well developed and the actors did their job good. You can actually feel the hopelessness of the situation and the impending doom that lurks from every bright corner. The breakdown of the society as a whole, and individuals as well is also something that I also liked.

It is the year 2016, and the world is not in chaos, the chaos is long over… After a very powerful solar flare, the temperature on Earth has risen by 10°C. This caused chaos and destruction all over the world, making Earth a very nasty and inhospitable place to live. Some of the survivors banded together in an effort to survive. And maybe, just maybe, find a place where they can live out the rest of their lives without the constant fear of robbers, killers and all kinds of criminals, now that there is no law.

What a brilliant and frighteningly realistic premise this is. Moreover, it’s something that puts a twist on an overly saturated genre. I can easily see a franchise further exploring this world. Considering all of this, I think they’ve missed a great opportunity here to explain more about it. Also, the whole family thing isn’t really my cup of tea but I understand why they chose it.

As I already mentioned the director had the common sense to use shots and tricks that allowed Hell to look great. Another thing that I would like to add to that is the lack of freaking zombies. They seem to be an inevitable ingredient of any post-apocalyptic movie nowadays and I am getting sick and tired of seeing them. Water levels rise, and somehow here comes a zombie army to destroy the world or something along those lines. To summarize, if you liked The Road you’ll also like Hell…

Director: Tim Fehlbaum

Writers:  Tim Fehlbaum, Oliver Kahl, Thomas Wöbke

Cast: Hannah Herzsprung, Stipe Erceg, Lisa Vicari, Angela Winkler, Michael Kranz, Anne Sarah Hartung

Fun Facts: First German film to win the grand prize at Fantasporto.


IMDb Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1643222/

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