Every now and then we get a great Blaxploitation movie. The last one I saw was Black Dynamite, that was more of an homage than anything else. They Cloned Tyrone is above all an intelligent and genuinely funny science fiction comedy. We will be following a group of unlikely friends as they stumble upon a huge conspiracy. If you’re wondering who these friends are, they’re a drug dealer, a pimp, and a prostitute. It doesn’t get any more Blaxploitation than that. As always, I’m wary of any Netflix movie as they’ll produce anything that can appeal to young audiences. However, this time they’ve got a true hit on their hands.
They Cloned Tyrone is a movie that’s going to have a long and fruitful career. It’s just so damn well-crafted that audiences will keep discovering it over the following decades. It caught me totally by surprise and I hope it will do the same to you. Its retro-futuristic setting is simply delicious and the characters we’re going to meet are colorful and interesting. They feel authentic and the actors did a terrific job of bringing them to life. John Boyega played his role straight adding a sense of seriousness to the whole affair.
Right behind him was adorable Teyonah Parris and hilarious Jamie Foxx. He already played a similar character in Horrible Bosses. The main story does feature a strong Jordan Peele vibe, much like his masterpieces Get Out or Us. However, everything else is unique and refreshing. Especially in today’s world of reboots and remakes. What’s even more interesting is the fact that this is Juel Taylor’s debut. He’s going to be a fine director, I can tell you that right now. The atmosphere is full of mystery and the pacing is just right, edging you to keep on watching.
The only thing I didn’t like was a bit darker cinematography. It also doesn’t help that most of the story is taking place during the night or in dimly lit places. Although this approach does wonders for the atmosphere. The dialogue was snappy while the storytelling felt like you’re watching a time travel movie. I also want to add that if you’re feeling a bit apprehensive because this is a Blaxploitation movie, please don’t. It just works and anyone can watch and enjoy it.
Meet Fontaine, a young drug dealer still reeling from the murder of his younger brother. He doesn’t leave his hood much as he’s got an operation to run. The rival drug gang is trying to work the corners he’s working so he needs to send a message. After running over one of the low-level dealers he proceeds to meet up with Slick Charles, a pimp who owes him money. He doesn’t know it yet but this meeting will be his last…

Do you know how good They Cloned Tyrone is? It’s so good that I didn’t even notice its running time of two hours. The story picks up pace and throws curveballs at you at just the right times. And the finale was simply sublime. A perfect ending to a perfect movie, opening huge possibilities for a sequel that I’m hoping will happen in the near future. After all, this is Netflix we’re talking about and they’re greenlighting motherfucking everything.
Finally, if you’re looking for movies like They Cloned Tyrone, I recommend you check out Attack The Block also starring John Boyega. The Cabin in the Woods features a similar story only after this one it’s going to feel white as shit.

Director: Juel Taylor
Writers: Tony Rettenmaier, Juel Taylor
Cast: John Boyega, Jamie Foxx, Teyonah Parris, Kiefer Sutherland, Leon Lamar, J. Alphonse Nicholson
Fun Facts: The car John Boyega’s character Fontaine drives is a Dunbarton Green 1976 Pontiac Gran Prix.
IMDb Link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9873892/