We are continuing our exploration of Danish cinema with this masterpiece. Rarely do movies leave a lasting impression on me, and I have to admit that Kapringen is one of them. It is so painfully realistic, so nerve-shattering that you will need to unwind after it. This seems to be common in Denmark’s cinematography since Festen [1998] was relatively similar along with the rest of the most popular movies. The thing that I so fascinating with Danish directors is there ability to instantly create atmosphere and that vibe that you already know all the characters, but somehow you forgot it and feel guilty about it. The levels of empathy are definitely over 9000.
They usually start with one event that either sets the mood for what’s to follow or helps us to get to know the characters better (the opening joke in The Thing [2011]…). Kapringen is not an easy movie to watch, at least it wasn’t easy for me, but it provides something that we rarely come across in movies. Just like in the movie Strange Days [1995] we are able to “live out” experiences of other people, and although this is not a pleasant experience it’s certainly useful, especially in the sense that you will get a better perspective on your life.

Mikkel Hartmann is a cook aboard a Danish ship Rose, currently in the Indian ocean. The Rose is a relatively small ship with a small crew, but it’s a part of a big Danish corporation with its headquarters in Copenhagen. Everything seems to be going on as it should be until a number of small boats start approaching The Rose in the night. The next morning, the company’s headquarters received a call notifying them that their ship has been hijacked by Somalian pirates…
A stark contrast between the seaman (giggity) stuck at sea with crazy Somali pirates and a very wealthy CEO in Copenhagen is another layer in this masterpiece that deserves further study. You can just keep pealing and pealing, discovering more and more to analyze and draw conclusions from, upon watching this masterpiece. The pirates themselves are fascinating enough, with their way of life, they are not only fascinating but frightening. For them the time means nothing, they are born into a country torn by civil war and poverty, without a chance of success or education. The tension that appears during the negotiations and on-board The Rose is unbelievable, making Kapringen a truly visceral experience. But another word is more important in that sentence, experience. Because experience is something that you will get from this beautiful movie, enjoy…
P.S. I forgot to mention how captivating were the actors, especially Pilou Asbæk and Søren Malling with the performances of their lifetimes…

Director: Tobias Lindholm
Writer: Tobias Lindholm
Cast: Pilou Asbæk, Søren Malling, Dar Salim, Amalie Ihle Alstrup, Roland Møller, Gary Skjoldmose Porter
Fun Facts: To make the phone call scenes between Søren Malling and Pilou Asbæk appear authentic on film, director Tobias Lindholm filmed those scenes as actual conference calls with Malling being in Denmark and Asbæk being in Somalia
IMDb Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2216240/