After Rampage [2009] this is a second Uwe Boll movie that I actually enjoyed and payed attention to. The bailout was one of the things that enormously annoyed me, and I wasn’t even financially involved in the whole thing. As always, the rich can do whatever they want and the poor and an almost nonexistent middle class are there to pay the bill when it’s time. A very lively social issue that Mr. Boll decided to tackle in this movie is the very thing that gives it that extra juice to make it to our to-watch list. A definition of synergy, a couple of elements that alone couldn’t get that much attention, but put together they form a mighty movie (well, not exactly mighty, but powerful enough). A revenge, righteous wrath, love and plain criminal activity that goes on and on unpunished are those elements, but the key word here is justice, sweet juicy justice. Granted, the script had a few plot holes that could have been easily avoided, but the effort to bring to the spotlight these crimes makes up for that.
Jim Baxford is your average Joe, working as an armored car guard and living in New York with his wife Rosie. With a steady job, savings account and all the other perks he’s quite certain that nothing bad can happen to him or his wife financially. Then the economy crashes and soon he finds out that the world that he’s been living in isn’t the same. Suddenly, his money is missing, although his broker told him that there’s no chance that this will happen, and the problems just keep popping up. His sick wife, with relatively big medical bills watches him as he struggles to find footing in the financial world that’s designed to keep the rich rich and the poor poor. He’s having trouble understanding derivatives and all the other bullshit along with lame explanations because they were intentionally designed to be flawed. Since the government decided not to pursue the people responsible, someone has to…
Righteous wrath of I-have-no-neck Dominic Purcell (Prison Break) is something worth watching, especially since he shows us that he can actually act and that there are emotions beneath that tough exterior. Uwe told the story of us, a great move that has guaranteed him that his viewers will recognize themselves. You all had the pleasant experience of being butt fucked by rich and powerful, corrupt and malevolent, so a little revenge is a good thing. And now a personal note, the level of hatred that I feel for those who are corrupt and are unjustly robbing us of resources and our lives is immeasurable, so instead of machine guns, I would make them suffer slowly. Not El Secreto De Sus Ojos, but close enough, and I think that if Uwe took that way that turns this thriller into a horror, he would be forgiven for all his misdeeds.
Director: Uwe Boll
Writer: Uwe Boll
Cast: Dominic Purcell, Erin Karpluk, Edward Furlong, Michael Paré, Eric Roberts, Heather Feeney
Fun Facts: Director Uwe Boll began work on the film in 2010 and did a lot of research into the 2007/08 financial crisis. Around this time, he spoke with victims and people affected by the crisis, and also started talking to a professor in the bailout commission in Germany.
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