Some movies just get lucky and Great White is one of them. Despite its stereotypical and predictable story, it features just enough appealing visuals and shark action to make it watchable. I mentioned luck in the opening sentence and this goes down to me wanting things to go back to the way they used to be. To big summer movies with great production values where shark methodically eats our protagonists one by one. Where you have the opportunity to see all these beautiful and mesmerizing locations. All the while probably looking up prices on your phone in awe of the untouched nature that Australia has to offer. There have been so many movies similar to this one that I don’t know where to begin. I will simply point you to The Rise and Fall of Shark Movies if you want to know more.
Great White follows a couple of young guys and gals who get lost on the sea and soon become stalked by two giant sharks. I was hoping it’s going to be another in a long line of great Australian shark movies. However, it’s nowhere near the classics like The Reef or Bait. It’s more similar to Deep Blue Sea 3, so don’t expect wonders here. Dangerously close to movies so bad that they are good, the only reason why it made to the thriller section is the sleek and stylish visual style. Plus, there’s something oddly calming about these movies. You already know what games to play and how to play them. For example, try to guess who’s going to die first. And if you want to take it to the next level, guess in which order the shark is going to munch them and who’s going to survive.
Kaz Fellows and Charlie Brody are a young couple running their airplane tourist agency. Charlie is a skilled pilot flying an airplane that can land on water which enables him to get to the most beautiful and wild destinations fast. When Joji Minase and his wife Michelle booked them for their next flight, they thought this is going to be another great adventure. However, what will happen next will test their strength, courage, and intelligence.
Great White plays more like a television movie than the regular movie complete with the sheets over tits gimmick that I thought we left in the nineties. To say nothing of the fact that the shark roars. Actually, it feels like a pilot episode of a kiddie television show. Luckily, we get a couple of gory scenes and it’s a shame there wasn’t more of this in the movie. The lesson all you young filmmakers can take from this movie is to focus on your strengths. Both the director and writer struggled with anything else that aren’t establishing shots and action. I’m sure no one would mind if we cut out all the melodrama and unnecessary character building. Mostly because they are walking and talking clichés. Be willing to take risks and be creative. Go that extra mile and don’t play everything so safe.
I mean, the acting was quite good it’s the script that’s the problem. I loved the Benny character played by Te Kohe Tuhaka, but the rest of them are just too bland. There were just a couple of flashes of creativeness like the phone thing and Charlie’s past experiences, but they needed much more of them. We can also crown Tatjana Marjanovic as the unofficial Australian scream queen after her performance here and in Monsters of Man. Finally, if you’re looking for movies like Great White you can check out our Subversive Rabbit selection of Shark Movies. However, it might be a better idea to go straight for the Good Shark Movies. Enjoy.

Director: Martin Wilson
Writer: Michael Boughen
Cast: Katrina Bowden, Aaron Jakubenko, Te Kohe Tuhaka, Tim Kano, Kimie Tsukakoshi, Jason Wilder, Tatjana Marjanovic
Fun Facts: Filming took place on the North Queens Beach on the Redcliffe Peninsula, just north of Brisbane.
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