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No Rest For The Wicked…

Hello world, I write to you with a weary hand, after a 12 hour shift. That hand is about to get wearier as I proceed to consume alcoholic beverages, large amounts of nicotine and finally some THC, just to spice things up. As you might have gathered, I have been absent for the past couple of months. The reason for this is my new dream job that conveniently coincides with my final days at the university. On a good day, I’m missing a two or three hours of extra time. It would be great if we were meant to be functional longer or be able to work while sleep deprived. Or the world could just be a better place…

Not to bore you too much with excuses and my life story (I’m saving that so I can sell the rights later), the fight is on! We are continuing with reviews, but this time nothing is off limits. Series, documentaries and regular movies will be featured in the following months. Plus, I’m getting kinda low on patience, so you can expect a bit raunchier and to the point reviews.

As far as movies are concerned, due to this horrible period in Hollywood, I concentrated mostly on European productions, with great success. I can’t wait to share with you my findings and thoughts. No rest for the wicked.