First of all, I know that this is a movie site, but still I must say something about a series that I watched for six years, and enjoyed in… The last episode was really a surprise to everyone, and I do not think that in a good way. As so easily explained, it was the time traveling Nazis and the polar bear. I mean come on!!! They were all in some limbo or whatever, between life and death, in some purgatory island(even I can come up with a better ending than them, they have been in a purgatory paying for their sins in life, there you go, if you already wanna do that type of ending), and after that they all go into the light in the fucking church. What’s up with that, does everything have to be somehow connected to the religion? They have not explained anything, remember the famous polar bear, the Egyptian statues, and all the stuff that was there. And story with the purgatory island just does not hold water, what about Widmore and all the other characters? They took the easy way out, and just left everything open for speculation so the viewers can come up with their own explanation. That is just plain wrong, lame and offending. If you already borrowed so many things from Hyperion (if you read this book by Dan Simmons, you already know what I am talking about), borrow the ending and explain everything. There is nothing conclusive in the finale so everything you conclude about the six seasons can be easily disputed. I would rather end the series at season five or even four and live in ignorance than except this offending ending. It’s good that I do not take all this too seriously, but still we were sold a product that eventually malfunctioned… What are your thoughts on this one, if you have watched the series…